Saturday, February 25, 2012

Simple Yet Significant

Holy. Cow. I knew I hadn't written a blog for a long time, but I didn't realize it was THIS long! I always feel like I don't have time to sit down and type something out, so here I am making myself. My Aunt Jill commented the other day wondering why I never blog anymore... so here it is ;)

I want to tell a story here of simplicity yet significance. Over the Christmas season this past year, Jay and I's small group decided we wanted to put our money together to help those in need during the holiday season. We decided we wanted to help pay off people's lay aways (which seemed to be a common theme this past year), so group of us went out one night to K-Mart with a stack of money in hopes of doing so. As we stood at the lay away counter and talked to the lady working there about what we wanted to do, there began to form a line of customers who were there to pay on their lay aways. We decided to help those specific people that were in line and gave them the amount they needed to pay off their lay aways. Their expression was priceless as they looked around with shocked faces wondering if this was some sort of joke or maybe a reality TV show.
We also decided to walk around the store and each of us were to find specific people to give money away to. As I walked down aisles and scanned the faces of many people, I prayed that God would show me who He wanted me to give this money to. I found a mother and her children in the toy section who I immediately felt drawn to give my simple $20 to. I approached the mother and told her I wanted to give her the $20 to help pay for Christmas gifts, I then proceeded to tell her that I was doing this because Jesus loved her. For giving her just a twenty dollar bill, you would have thought this lady had just won the lottery! She started joyfully yelling and grabbing me in a huge hug. She told me she was literally about to put a pair of boots back that she wanted to buy her daughter for Christmas because she didn't have enough money for them, but with the money I gave her she now could afford them. She then told me, "I was starting to think Jesus didn't love me anymore!", in which I was able to reassure her that He still loved her and always will.

I tell you this story not to brag on me or my small group. If that's what you got out of this then you are missing the real story. I want to show the reality of how simple it is to brighten someone's day, encourage someone, and share Jesus with someone. Yet it is rare that we do these things. I'll be honest in saying that since then I have not done the best showing this same encouragement and love to strangers. It's always strange talking to strangers, I'll be the first to admit that. But we should not limit our actions because of fear. I pray that I would do better at this, that I would the hands and feet of Jesus and care and reach out to others. I encourage you to do the same... whether that means paying for someone else's groceries next time you're at the store, making food for your neighbors that you don't normally talk to, or simply engaging people in conversations and making them feel worth your time. The possibilities are endless and the possibilities are simple... yet so significant.


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